Tuesday, February 03, 2015

The Facebook Inbox You Didn't Even Know You Had

The Facebook Inbox You Didn't Even Know You Had 


If you have been on Facebook for a while, you probably have a folder full of unread messages that you didn't even know you had: the "Other" messages folder.

To review your messages, click on "messages" in the top left column (or conversely, just click on the messages icon up at the top). By default, you'll find yourself in your main Inbox where you find all the messages you've received from your connections. However, if you look directly to the right of your "Inbox" at the top, you'll find the "Other" folder.

The Other folder is where Facebook sends all the messages from people you are not connected to. As a tech journalist, mine is filled with P.R. peoples blindly pitching apps and other techy doodads in my direction. I was never notified about these messages and never even knew about it until I clicked on the folder. But now that I know they exist, I can just go ahead ignoring them. (JK, flacks! Love ya!)

Last year, Facebook experimented with allowing members to pay to reach the inboxes of non-friends.


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